Business Formation
Helping people form business entities, limited liability companies, corporations, s-corps, sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited partnerships, PLLC, and professional services corporations in Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Tenino, Yelm, Shelton, Thurston County, and surrounding areas.
Help For Business Owners
Jacobsen Law Office, an Olympia business law firm, helps new business owners with their legal, financial, and contractual needs as they form a new business entity. Choosing the right business entity is important. We advise clients on the pros and cons of each entity type, such as LLC, corporation, S corporation, partnership, limited partnership, and non-profit corporation.
Choosing A Business Type In Washington
When choosing a business entity, business owners need to consider many factors, such as who owns the business, who runs the business, what is the business’s liability exposure, and where will the business be subject to jurisdiction. Forming a business requires well-constructed legal documents, such as operating agreements, by laws, employment contracts, employment manuals, shareholder agreements, articles of incorporation, corporate resolutions, and many more.
Real Estate Business Entity Formation
Residential and commercial real estate business owners should usually consider either an LLC or a type of partnership. Land trusts are also helpful legal instruments in protecting property investors’ interests. Ryan A. Jacobsen is a business and real estate attorney in Olympia, with experience in residential real estate transactions and disputes, commercial real estate transactions and disputes, business entity formation, and business litigation.
Washington Business Law and Creative Business Ideas
Washington business law governs much of business entity formation, but among shareholders, directors, members, managers, and partners, there are many opportunities to create private laws through well-constructed agreements, using creative planning to minimize liability and tax exposure. An experienced and creative business attorney in Olympia is a smart business investment.
Contact A Business Law Attorney
Our business lawyer, Ryan A. Jacobsen, is ready to meet with you, understand your case, advise you abundantly, and effectively represent your interests throughout the entire business formation process, and beyond. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.